Crystal Healing

Do you want to feel more serene? Looking to improve communication or creativity? Seeking a sense of empowerment and connection?

Discover the healing benefits of crystals. Crystals are a powerful but gentle way to heal. 

 I have always felt connected to crystals, and awed by their beauty and potential. I have learned to sense their subtle energies, and which crystals will best support healing.

 Crystals heal the body’s energy field to help restore balance and harmony within the chakras, the seven energy centers. The word “chakra” means wheel in sanskirt. When chakras are open and balanced you feel confident, grounded, and can communicate effectively. You will also feel a sense of compassion and purpose. When blocked or out of balance, physical and emotional problems may be the result. 

The seven major chakras include:

Root (base of spine) - Survival, abundance, health

Sacral (below the navel) – Creativity, sensuality

Solar Plexus (midsection) – Personal power

Heart (center of chest) – Love and compassion

Throat (center of throat) – Communication

Third Eye (between brows) – Intuition

Crown (top of head) – Spiritual connection


Crystals can help balance the chakras to:

• Release stress

• Restore energy and optimism

• Stimulate personal growth and spiritual development

• Empower you to make life changes

• Ground and connect you


Root - Garnet, Red Jasper, Ruby

Sacral - Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Sunstone

Solar Plexus - Tiger Eye, Citrine, Amber

Heart - Jade, Malachite, Aventurine

Throat - Turquoise, Blue Kyanite, Aquamarine

Third Eye - Laboradite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite

Crown - Amethyst, Lepidolite, Charoite

What Happens During A Crystal Healing Session?

While each session is unique, there are some general things we may do during a healing session. We begin the session with a discussion of goals and a check of each chakra to sense blockages, openness and balance. Together we will then select crystals to support your goals and gently place them on or around your body, allowing you to absorb the crystal’s unique energies. As you relax into the gentle energy of the crystal, we may use sounds, meditation, breathing or other modalities to help balance mind, body and spirit. This is one of the most relaxing experiences you can have.

You will also receive personalized recommendations of crystals to create a grid at home.

Reach out today to start your crystal journey.